I use APM2.6 with the 3DR power module. Today I updated MP to 1.2.95. Connect via USB or telemetry (doesn't matter).In the battery monitor (Initial Setup > Optional Hardware > Battery Monitor), I set the following:

Monitor: 4: Voltage and Current

Sensor: 4: 3DR Power Module

APM Ver: 2: APM 2.5+ - 3DR Power Module

If I click to another part of MP and then back to Battery Monitor, I notice that the Sensor setting has changed to "0: Other". I can't get it to stay on the above settings.

Is this a bug? Any ideas?

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  • Everything is OK.

    That droplist just sets proper parameters for voltage/current sensor, once done,  there's no point of guessing what you selected.   - especially because you might have changed the values if you calibrated it for perfection :)

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