
Does anyone know if it is possible to have multiple simultaneous MAV links using APM planner 2.0?  Someone said they saw a picture of at least 2 MAV links in the flight plan of APM planner 2.0.  I tried connecting two autopilots through the USB (simultaneously) and running APM planner 2.0, but I couldn't see the flight plan of one without disconnecting it and connecting to the other autopilot.  Just curious if this "simultaneous autopilot connection/flight plan view" is possible and if anyone knows how this can be done with APM planner 2.0?

If it matters, the autopilots I'm using are the pixhawk and ardupilot 2.6, but will eventually be using both pixhawks.


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  • Developer

    you need to set SYSID_THISMAV parameter to be unique for each vehicle you want to control. Only one is under active control at a time, and you can switch between them using the the Unmanned Systems widget. It defaults to the Flight Plan view, but you can add it to the flight data view as well, if you wish.

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