My Multiwii Scarab-Stealth quad went cartwheeling along the street. Arms and motors/mounts are a total write-off.
I broke my own code of safety, omitted going through the pre-flight checks and tighten a loose arm (that I knew about) before I let my son fly it.
He was of course devastated but it was not his fault at all. He is a much better pilot than I am in all aspects. Apparently also safety-wise (Bsc in industrial engineering and accomplished Aerobatics/3D model airplane pilot)
Before rebuilding the thing I want to hear if anyone can comment on the idea of using an APM controller rather than the Paris board which seems to have survived?
Anyone tried that and in such case how did it work out with tuning and such?
I am considering purchasing a Scarab QUAD X Stealth without a control board and using an APM.
Are there any issues I should consider before doing this?