My Ardupilot only wants to fly planes.

When the ardupilot has the ArduCopter 2.0.56 firmware (I believe this is the most current) the servo output on all channels is zero, the servos jitter and thrash and the BEC becomes very hot.

When the arduplane firmware is loaded, everything is 'smooth' like I would expect.  This autopilot has done 14 flights as an arduplane, zero crashes.  Everything is working fine when the firmware is arduplane.

I'm using mission planner 1.1.10, I had the same problem with mission planner 1.0.66, which I had previously used with my arduplane flights.

I only have two servos plugged in because at first I thought it was a faulty connection/brownout from too much current draw.  The same problem is on all output channels.

I'm able to read the inputs from the controller fine in both setups.

If anyone has any troubleshooting input I'd love to hear it.  Thank you

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  • Do you have an Xbee?

  • Following Mr. Wahid's suggestion almost completely fixed the problem.  Jitter would happen at the extremes of servo throw.  Reducing the allowable cyclic and collective throws have made it mostly problem free.  However in response to very fast collective inputs sometimes the problem shows up again briefly, but long enough for me to worry about a crash.  When moving the collective slowly the problem does not occur.  Perhaps in response to rapidly changing input the APM is updating the desired servo position quicker than the set analog servo update rate?

  • I had a similar thing happen. I had forgotten to move the flight modes channel from 8 to channel 5.

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