"Following Mr. Wahid's suggestion almost completely fixed the problem. Jitter would happen at the extremes of servo throw. Reducing the allowable cyclic and collective throws have made it mostly problem free. However in response to very fast…"
When the ardupilot has the ArduCopter 2.0.56 firmware (I believe this is the most current) the servo output on all channels is zero, the servos jitter and thrash and the BEC becomes very hot.http://youtu.be/8ku2r5M-hZgWhen the arduplane firmware is…
"To close this thread out, after replacing the Rx all the problems disappeared. I opened the original Rx and found many components missing/solder jumpers/components connected with only one pad. I tried to re-solder everything as best I could but…"
When I connect power to the servo plugs on APM to power the Rx/Servos the GPS Satcount goes to 0 nearly instantly. This is the case when using a battery for the servo rail, using an esc for the servo rail, and even when running the APM off a…
I appologize if I missed this, but I didn't see it when I RTFM'd. I am setting up the ardupilot for an airplane. I have an airspeed sensor, a magnetometer, and a XBee downlink. All using DIY Drones parts, set up as shown on the wiki page. I have…