It's taken me awhile to get my Hex repaired from the last crash (brownout). I updated to the new firmware 2.9.1. Everything looked good, I wired my gimbal directly with a separate BEC hoping to avoid another brownout and was using 3DR Power Module. I flew in front of my house and had good ALT HOLD and LOITER. So I took the Hex to the RC field with 2 batteries in parallel, was hope to try and fly the cube with the Hex. I've flown with both batteries before with no problem. The flight lasted less then 30 seconds. I lost control just prior to the HEX just rolling over and falling. Damage was 1 motor, 1 arm, sonar mount arm, stack support posts, and 2 cross posts from 1 landing leg. The batteries, buzzer alarm, GoPro Camera and my GPS flew off. Luckily I found everything but not my buzzer alarm.
Can someone look at the logs and give me some insight? (I've uploaded both tlog and log)
Below is the GoPro video of the flight and crash.
I've had a look at your logs and I don't see any obvious problem. The APM does not brown-out as far as I can tell. Although the baro alt stops in mid-air that sensor has a bit of lag (about 0.4 seconds) and we do see it falling. Also we can see the throttle go to zero.
In the pic above we can see the actual pitch diverge from the desired pitch which normally means a mechanical issues.
This line worries me, "Ever since I started using the 3DR power module". I wonder if you possibly have a solder break on the 3dr power modules. Also you've disconnected JP1 on the APM?
This looks similar to what I saw in the log I described here:
Your baro and GPS altitude seem to track together, and seem to match the video at a glance. Your MixAlt is doing kind of the opposite, and your climb rate reaches a large negative value before your copter actually begins to fall.
Your roll value begins to increase before you even lift off, -more rapidly so while your motors are running while sitting on the ground. Your roll input roughly tracks this. The video looks like you are rolling some, but it's hard to say if it matches what the APM thinks is happening.
To me, it looks like the APM is confused about which direction is up. Your Z accel definitely shows some vibration, so perhaps that is related.
The good news is it doesn't look like a brownout.
What I would do as a next step is strap your copter to the bench, run it at roughly hover power for a few minutes, shut it down (but don't disarm right away), then finally disarm and look at the logs. It would be interesting to see what the APM thinks the attitude is before, during, and after the motors are running.
I fixed the video. At least a get the joy of seeing what I created crash. LOL
Hi Richard
The link to the video gives a private message, and so will not run?
sorry I did not see the reply from Hugues a few minutes ago.
Heelo Richard,
sorry to hear about your crash. I know what it feels like after having crashed my Quad two days ago with yet again a F... 3DR prop mount flying off all together...
The video you posted is private so unable to look at it...