My new AHRS!

Hey everyone.  I'm just finishing up a new AHRS design (see picture below).  The sensors it uses are almost exactly equivalent to the Razor from Sparkfun, but I added a nice 3.3V regulator and a STM32 processor running at 72 Mhz.  The faster processor makes it easier to run a good filter.

The unit uses an Extended Kalman Filter for yaw, pitch, and roll estimation.  It doesn't do centripetal compensation, but I routed out an extra UART and an SPI bus for anyone who wants to add extra sensors.  I was thinking specifically about GPS when I selected the on-board regulator - it can supply up to 400 mA of current, which should be enough to power whatever GPS unit you wanted to throw at it.  The firmware is open-source.


I'll be selling them from my website by the end of the month:  If you want one, contact me directly and mention that you are a member of DIY Drones - I'll drop the price for you. :-)

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  • I've seen this one around and really like what im seeing, but i need GPS integration as well. Problem is I am a novice at programming. Has there been any implementation of code for standard NMEA-GPS and possibly the common SCP1000 altitude sensor?

    thanks in advance!
  • Caleb, A little bit offtoice but, i am working on my IMU disign and i am having some trouble to find Eagle Libraries/footprints for the STM32F103T or STM32F103C, do you have them? If so could you share them with me? Thanks!
  • Nice! It's a bit what I'm aiming at doing as well, same processor but I will be trying to make it as cheap, small, and light as possible, with very cheap gyro and accel/magnetometer. Hoping the kalman filter can compensate for the cheap sensors ;)

    Keep up the good work!
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