my pixhawk doesn't seem to recognize the gps (neo7)


I am a total nube to open source flight controllers.

To get my feet wet I installed a hk pilot32 into a f450 frame. I finally have my dx8 setup with 6 positions on channel 5 but I cant get a gps lock.... Or any evidence that I have one plugged in. The pixhawk just has a blinking blue light. Althold is rock solid, the compass seems accurate but no gps function at all. Have I not activated something..? Did I select something wrong...? Please help me trouble shoot this issue. I'm looking forward to trying out some autonomous flights but have hit a wall.

Thanks, Keith 

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  • Side note

    I bought the hk pilot 32 as a learning tool, (testing on a quad)

    I will definitely buy 3dr from now on, I could have used their support while trying to learn mission planner 

    (especially for my fixed wing testing in the near future)

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