My Pixhawk Setup

I was able to get 5 flights in today mostly in loiter and it's pretty rock solid. I am curious what it will do with a little wind. 

Here are my params for a Trex 550 stretched to a 700 running 1500 RPMs. 3691129941?profile=original


Trex 3.1.5 001.param

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    • KDE motors are a must have for these helicopters they very reliable. 

      Yes I 3D printed the GPS mount. I also printed the plate that the Pixhawk sits on and the battery tray. I can send you the files if you want them? 

      • looks great!!! 

        Id like the 3d files please.

      • I also have a trex 550 and plan to mount pixhawk too.

        so could u send me the files ? Please , i really want it too much.

        Thx u advance :D

  • Really thanks a lot for your sharing

    • Sean,  I'm curious about what your motor spec's are.  Are your frame plates the stock 49mm apart?


      David R. Boulanger

      • David,

        Yes my frames are the stock width. My motor is a little outdated but still works very well. I was running 2 7s 7800 MAH batteries and getting 30-35 minute flight times. 

        Motor Specs 

        • Thanks for the reply.  great flight time.  I did not know of any low Kv motors that were that small in diameter.  Thinking of stretching my 550 to a 600. If I do my stock Align 1220Kv has got to go.


          David R. Boulanger

  • Great! 

    You must be a well experienced RC pilot.  Good job with the mountings.

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