Special attention, please! I've burnt my pixhawk, when power it up with USB to make the px4flow module work.
I think my cell phone power bank generate a electronic spike when I powered it up, and in pixhawk the power from USB is…"
I've torn down my rolling spider.
It seems that Parrot's using kind of ARM Cortex-A9 combing a on chip M0 mirco-controller.
For a 40 grams quad, it carries on board sonar together with barometer, the camera is kind of tiny cell-phone type.…"
Comparing to the "Rolling Spider" from Parrot, the performance is almost the same level above rich-textured ground.
However, the roll spider seems to be able to catch more features, and it…"
"It works! https://youtu.be/ckY_XuoxMEU
Several keys:
1. orientation of the Flow module has been changed to X for forward(used to be left)
2. there is a start-up problem with their communication, so always power the pixhawk up with USB cable, and…"
"the modified firmware(upper) and original one(lower)
I got that modified px4flow firmware tested, its framerate seems to be slowed down to about 15Hz from 100Hz, and the preview image in QGroundcontrol is much brighter.
I suppose that's a trade-off…"
"Hi Mike,Please keep in touch for your further test, Paul's original setup use a laser range finder, I am not sure about if a separated sonar will work as well.The PX4FLOW module without sonar could not transmit opt_m_x and opt_m_y, that's another…"
"Really thanks so much for your reply,
I think the key to my problem is the range finder, I'll mount a separated sonar to my pixhawk as soon as possible. I have spent the whole last two days in this, watching your youtube clips and github codes.…"
"Hi Randy,
I'm testing 3.3RC1 using PIXHAWK and PX4FLOW,
In the release notes, you mentioned "PX4FlOW support in Loiter mode",
However, I just failed to switch into loiter mode indoor.
Can the flow sensor be used without GPS-lock?
Thanks advance for…"
""CAM_TRIG_DIST" should be used together with kind of a trigger for GOPRO. Maybe a modification on the GOPRO's WIFI controller is the best way, another option is add a servo to push the trigger on GOPRO.
"Hi Randy, it's me. Zhang from CHINA, Our lab is using this Laser Range Finder for indoor postion hold and navigation, we used gumstix to calculate the position and send it to dsp-based flight control board developed by ourselves, it works fine for…"
"Hi leonardthall, really thanks for that paper, I'll try to figure out how it works and try to use it fusing other sensors like Optical Flow and GPS or ACC. That filter is really a fantastic magic, i'll learn how to perform that magic by my self. "