
  • I found this great website to help you compare products and brands:

  • I just use this controller on my quad, with the really high vis LED's:

    Runs off a single channel. Simples. Warning: it's heavier than you might think.

  • You could use an unused servo channel for this. In them Mission planner there is a special waypoint type (DO_SET_SERVO) which can change a servo channel output on APM (that way, it would also be possible to change the lights directly from the Transmitter).


    I am using an ATtiny85(~$3) to switch some additional stuff. I am only switching LEDs, you probably would need a FET to switch more powerful lights.

    Example ATtiny85 code:

    * Read PPM signal
    * Decode r/c receiver PPM servo signal and turn lights on
    * according to servo position.
    * $Id$

    // from which pin to read.
    #define PIN_PPM  0
    #define PIN_POS1 3
    #define PIN_POS2 4

    // the length of the pulse (in microseconds) or 0 if no pulse 
    // started before the timeout (unsigned long)
    unsigned long duration, lastgood = 0;
    int position= 0;

    void setup() {
      pinMode(PIN_PPM, INPUT);
      pinMode(PIN_POS1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(PIN_POS2, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(PIN_POS1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(PIN_POS2, LOW);

    void loop() {
      duration = pulseIn(PIN_PPM, HIGH, 20000);
      if (duration == 0) {
        duration = lastgood;
      } else {
        lastgood = duration;
      position = map(lastgood, 1000, 2000, 0, 2);
      if (position > 0) {
        digitalWrite(PIN_POS1, HIGH);
      } else {
        digitalWrite(PIN_POS1, LOW);
      if (position > 1) {
        digitalWrite(PIN_POS2, HIGH);
      } else {
        digitalWrite(PIN_POS2, LOW);



    AVR 8 Pin 20MHz 8K 4A/D - ATtiny85
    Atmel's itty-bitty ATtiny85 8-Bit Processor. 8K of program space, 6 I/O lines, and 4-channel 10 bit ADC. Runs up to 20MHz with external crystal. Pack…
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