Naza not arming w/ unusual combo

I am trying to get my DJI NAZA-LITE to arm here is what i have:

Turnigy 9x w/Er9x Firmware

DJI 550 Flamewheel

DJI NAZA Lite w/ Gps

3D Robotics 880Kv Motors

3D Robotics ESC soldered to get motor wires shorter

In the naza assistant everything checks out and works, i have the flight modes configured and all the lights blink normally. The problem is, when i try to do the CSC to arm the motors dont spin at all.

Ps. what does 2 orange than a red blink mean when in additude mode?

any ideas?  

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  • Here is a video of whats going on:

  • Graham,

    This is more of a DJI form question over an 3DR form but I am familiar with the NAZA.

    The NAZA needs to be armed by using both sticks not just one like the APM so be sure you are using both sticks down and to right.  LED Description: it sounds like you have 5 sats, you need 6 to arm, thats one yellow and one red, I would read the LED section and the arming section before you continue.

    Please Google the manual online and look at the section LED and Start Motor sections.

    I changed to the APM and never went back ;)

    Hope this helps, Ed,

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