Need advice for my future build

I have been flying my quad for a while now and it is quick and unstable, I've gotten pretty good at it and don't crash anymore unless I am trying a stupid trick. I am thinking/hoping I am ready to start upgrading to something bigger and more functional for aerial photography. With that said I am completely new to the DIY nature of the hobby and would like some feedback on my build list. I have been doing a couple months of research and I am starting to get an idea of all of the specifics. I want a platform that is somewhat inexpensive but that I can build from a quad to an octo as I move forward and get more proficient with it. I decided to go with a Rusty's frame so I can just add arms to it and potentially change the length if needed. Here is my build list and weight along with the calculations, please let me know where I am going wrong or doing something stupid. I don't have included a good multimeter and soldering arm so if you have a recommendation please let me know. 


Rusty Quad frame with long arms
ardupilot mega
Tiger MN4012 Kv340
T-Motor Carbon Fiber Prop (2pcs) - 15 x 5.5
TURNIGY Plush 40amp Speed Controller
Turnigy nano-tech 8000mAh 6S 25~50C Lipo Pack
UG-2BL gimbal kit
Futaba 8JA 2.4GHZ S/FHSS w/R2008SB FUTK8100

Total weight with future gimbal & camera I estimate to be around 5kg with two batteries and total price being about 1400 without gimbal and camera. 

I would like to cut this cost but future proofing myself is more important, my biggest concern is the 15inch prop, with that be too unstable for this build? I am hoping not to get into rants about whether I am ready for this build or not, while I would appreciate feedback in that regard I would still like to discuss my earlier questions. 



Screen Shot 2013-06-08 at 10.24.48 AM.png

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  • OK I decided to be a little more modest and am looking at switching my motors and props to following to cut costs a bit, this allows me to get an extra motor or two

    Motors Turnigy Multistar 4830-420Kv 22Pole Multi-Rotor Outrunner
    Props 14x4.7 Carbon Fiber Propellers 1pc Standard/1pc RH Rotation

    I did lose a little flight time according to the calculator but not much, can anyone tell me how reliable the calculator at is?

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