Need Help

3690963358?profile=originalOk so I was finishing up the build of my PDB when I realized that it did not come with the 4 "3 pin right anle" connectors that allow you to connect the ESC 3 pin to coneect to the board.



I figured I would test the battery and motor by connecting the battery straight to the ESC and the 3 pin from the ESC to the receiver CH1.  The following video is what happened.  Is this normal?  Where did I mess up?

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  • Hmm... I know this sound. But It happened to me when I was trying to fly at -24 degree Celsius last winter. The esc's just freaked out and began constantly beeping. I solved it by warming the esc's with my hands until the beeps dissapeared and after that, i could fly without problems.
    But I don't think your surrounding is that cold.
    A constant beep like you are hearing normally indicates that your throttle is above idle. Try to calibrate the radio with the apm and the radio with the esc's seperately.
    And check if channel 1 on the rx really is throttle. Use an Y-cable and attach a servo to it, so you can see the channel responding.
    Good Luck
  • I don't think it is that because it doesn't matter what motor or ESC I use.
  • The setup looks correct to me.

    It might be one of the bullet connectors is not soldered good and it has a bad connection. I had a similar problem when I wanted to calibrate my ESC's.

    You can try to calibrate the ESC with a different motor attached and test it or switch out the ESC and test the motor if that works to determine what the exact problem is.


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