Hello, i have to try something.
I have an Raspberry Pi witch sends variables over serial ( ttyUSB0) over the usb cable.
I want to read this serial bytes with the Ardupilot over usb or other serial input, may some one help me to save those bytes in variables on the Ardupilot?
I dont realy understand if this is working, because i dont realy understand if i have to use mavlink, or if i can read those bytes directly.
Not sure I understand what you are doing.
Is the Raspberry PI onboard your copter?
What software are you running on the Raspberry PI? What is the data you are sending to the APM?
P.S. I have software that runs on an onboard Beagleboard, and forwards MAVLink packets both directions between WiFi and and the APM USB serial port.
I really need Help!