need help. looking for the best setup for my needs.

hey guys

I'm in need of a uav that is capable of flying with a 1.5 kg load under it and can fly a preprogramed grid autonomously.

longer the flight time the better! I'm hoping for something that will fly for 30+ minutes.

hoping someone here can help steer me in the right direction.


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  • Oh, it is well within your budget.
  • I potentially have something. A custom designed, high end mapping quadcopter powered by DJI E1200 Pro tuned propulsion system with a Pixhawk in it.

    It can likly meet your specs including flight times. I also have a Drotek RTK GPS. It has only been tested but in the end a DJI Matrice was employed as DJI released radiographic thermal cameras. I have been planning to deploy it with a radiographic FLIR as a backup.

    Send me a message if you are interested. I am in the US and would not be enthused about shipping overseas but we can discuss.
  • just built Y6 45 min flight time if your intrested size about 650 size 18 inch props all carbon fiber.

    or I can help you build one ? 

  • I have and 8k budget for this project.
  • A lot of people doing similar stuff here , your motor and prop combination is very important in achieving 30+min. what is your budget ?

  • If you're looking for that kind of flight time you'll need to go for something like 15-17" props running on 400kv motors and a lot of juice. Like maybe two 6-8000mah 3s batteries running in series or a 16000 6s
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