I believe I am very close but I really need some help trying to figure out why the OSD will not show up and why MP will not connect when using 3DR.

I have the 3dr telemetry and MOSD-extra Version 2.4_r680 with CT 2.3.08 and I cannot get any data to show up on the MP screen.      I got a success when updating the MOSD extra software just fine.  

I get Mission Planner to connect with USB just fine but still no OSD data. (connnecting at 115k baud with the USB works fine.)   

I get two solid green lights when I connect with the 3DR units but at this point cannot conect with MP (even with the change to the 57 baud rate change.)  I get the red/green tx/rx smaller lights to flicker just fine too when connecting on the "firmware" which works fine, and I get the settings downloaded and saved just fine too, but when I try to connect, I get the usual error shown in the screen shot. 

I know my ports are correct. 

I know the video transmitter works because I use it with Grabbee just fine, in fact if you look at the screen shot you will see it is reading the OSD but there are no heartbeats being shared. 

I have lots more detail but I don't want to bore anyone.  I think there screen shots from the Mission Planner settings may reveal enough info that someone much smater than me can tell me what is wrong.  Please take a look. 

Thanks for a super newsgroup!

MP fail connect screen shot grabee video out OSD report 8-9-13.jpg

MP fail connect screen shot of detail error reporting 8-9-13.jpg

MP fail connect screen shot param settings 8-9-13.jpg

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  • Well I have had some partial success.   I can now get MP connected with the telemetry and the GPS with a good 7sat 3D fix.  I changed my GPS from Auto back to UBLOX and now I am back with a solid green "C" light on the board and a solid green light on the GPS. I have a 3D lock .

    Unfortunately, my OSD is not displaying on MP. I am getting a com port error when I click on the OSD - even though I am using the Com Port that is active. I also get a com port error on MP. I will attach a screen shot in hopes someone can tell me why this is happening. (I am using the RCT mavlink board with Minimum OSD firmware)

    The serial baud in the config.h for S2 (GPS) is 38k. and of course 57k for S3. I tried dropping down the baud on MP to 38k but it failed. Should I change the Config.h for S3 down to 38K and then on MP too? I doubt that is the issue with the Com port error and all but??

    I hate to share my troubles but I am SOOOO close to success I just don't want to quit now. 

    I have solid green on both Telemetry and the red and green small Tx and Rx lights are flashing so I am confident the telemetry is working. 

    Anyone who can help please advise. 

    Thank you.

    MP com port error screen shot 8-21-13.jpg

    com port error on Minimum OSD 8-21-13.jpg

    EEprom error on MOSD fail to talk with bootloader 8-21-13 screen sh...

  • I should also add that I do understand you cannot connect the USB at the same time as the 3dr as they use the same port.  I have done both separately and the results are listed above. 

    I will also add a few more screen shots. 

    I have listened to both Mochaboy and RCJose'e excellent videos and followed Jumpy07 manual....

    MP MPNG version in Log files 8-12-13.jpg

    MP link stats screen shot using USB direct 8-12-13.jpg

    MP fail connect screen shot of last of run screen 8-9-13.jpg

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