Hello, quick question here:

I have a stock DJI F550 Hex that I am pulling the naza fc out of and using APM 2.5. I understand I need to use a BEC with the 30a DJI ESCs but I am unclear of how I would connect the DJI BEC to accomplish this. I recognize that the BEC is connected to main power and then to the throttle channel on my receiver  but where do I connect the other connector from the BEC? Does this go to the ESCs or the APM? There are two signal wires in addition to the power and ground. 

The APM is receiving its power from it's power module so I am not sure why I would want to connect anything other than one of the signal wires from the BEC to the throttle input signal input on APM? Is that all I need? I know the DJI ESCs don't have a built in BEC but I am not sure if this wiring arrangement would handle that issue.

Any help/advice would be appreciated.


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  • Have you guys noticed a significant difference in flight time when using the APM vs the NAZA?

    I am talking 13 minutes from a 5000mAh 3S with NAZA compared to 4 minutes on the APM 2.5.

    I am using two stock F550 DJI frames ... very strange, I am looking at flashing the DJI ESCs and playing with the PWM out to the motor, the weird thing is that PWM should be the same across the frames/ESC.

    Flashing the ESCs sounds like it might be fun/solution but is a pain since I am stationed in Jakarta and bits are hard to come by! ... If I was back in the UK would be easy.

    Would appreciate any info on how much power you guys are seeing drawn during flight ... in loiter with no stick input, I am running around 60 - 70 A. This follows that a 5000mAh battery supplies 5 A for an hour or 70A for 4'17" - way way way too much!

    Looking forward to your insight! :)


  • Would like to make a comment on motors starting/not starting at the same time.

    I have been using DJI equipment for a while and my motors would almost never start at the same time while pushing the throttle up slowly. But then they would pick up and fly the copter w/o a problem. Especially during manual mode (NAZA I am talking about) if you go very low on throttle, some motors would quit while some would still be running. I checked this and found out that this was a common problem but not effecting flight performance.

    Now, I am using the same equipment with APM 2.5 board and I thought this wouldn't be an issue from now on. But I was wrong, Motors behave the same way (same motors, same ESCs). Most of the time (not always), they will not start at the same time. And as you advance the throttle they will catch up and fly the copter no problem.

    If you advance the throttle fast, you will not notice this.

    I am not sure why this is happening but it is happening. At least to me. It cannot be worn or damaged motors (I do not have much flight time on them. No accidents.) And I have seen this behavior on two separate multicopter kits. 

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