Hi.  I just built a waterproof quad using an Aquacopter frame, DJI E300 motors and ESCs, APM2.6, 3S 2200 mah battery, 9443 props, and a Turnigy 9X receiver and transmitter.  Total weight with battery is 1100 grams.  After setting it up and calibrating everything (thank you Painless360 on Youtube), my quad just barely leaves the ground at full throttle.  It starts to lift at about 50% stick, but then I can't get any more power.  I tried new batteries.  I tried reloading the firmware (3.2.1), and recalibrating everything (including the transmitter), but nothing helps.

So I have a log file, but I don't understand how to analyze it to solve my problem.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Can you please help me find out what's going on?

2015-07-29 16-25-08.bin

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  • The E300 system with a 3s battery should be well suited to lifting 1100 grams.  Two things come to mind: are the ESCs calibrated?  I don't know if there is a special DJI ESC calibration procedure.  The other thing that comes to mind is the throttle mid position parameter of arducopter, though I think this defaults to 500.  Sorry can't look at your logfile now.

  • Moderator

    Was the system designed for those motors? Are they strong enough? Are the propellers on correctly (right way up)

    • Hi Gary.  The DJI E300 motors and ESCs came preinstalled with the Aquacopter frame.  The company says that they are more than capable of powering this quad, but that they usually fly with Naza or CC3D.  The propellers are on correctly and right side up.  I can lift off, and I have correct control over everything except throttle.  I have read that there may be a problem between the APM board and the E300 power system (because the ESCs cannot be calibrated), however there are those who have made it work with no issues.  The answers are in that log file, but I don't understand it enough to figure it out.

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