Need more help with APM 2.5

I may have found my problem but don't know how to fix.

My test flights all want to roll right on lift off.  I am running APM 2.5 Quad “X” with V2.8.1 and latest Mission Planner.  I have checked motor test and all four motors turn correct direction and follow sequence during testing.  I have checked the Artificial Horizon on the Mission Planner Flight Screen and I think roll sensing is reversed.  Here’s what I did:


Tilt your Quad to various positions to see if the Heads up display follows your expectations also rotate about the center axis to make sure the compass display follows.


A.  When the Quad is tilted forward the green horizon should rise (works correct).

B.   When the Quad is tilted to the left the green horizon should angle down to the left (this is opposite – green horizon angles down to the right).


Can someone advise me if roll sensing is reversed and if so, how to correct it?

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  • The angle is correct, think of the green line as the horizon (which it is) as seen by the copter.

    So if you tilt your head with the copter left, the horizon as seen out the window, will be tilted right.

    The other way of looking at it would be to tilt the screen of your computer with the AH on it the same as the copter, is the green line level?

    It should be.

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