New code installation procedure

I'm a newbie and have been flying my 3DR quad for a few weeks now. I saw the impressive post about Arducopter 2.0.55 and decided to try it out tonight, so I fired up the APM Planner selected 2.0.55 and installed it. But afterwards all of the settings relating to my RC and sensors were lost. So I went through and reconfigured it.

Here's my question: is the software upgrade process for an end user documented anywhere in the arducopter manual?

I proceed with my upgrade in the way that I thought made sense, but I wasn't really sure what I was up to. And then after test flying, I started thinking that I might need to update the gains, but I wasn't sure how the default gains are set and whether I should be needing to update them right after an install. 



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  • So I just installed 2.0.55 via Arduino and I'm still wondering how the configuration relates to a fresh code install?

    I.e., if I install a new version of software either via Arduino or APM Planner, what do I need to do to get things back to where they were previously configuration-wise? Do I need to re-map my RC transmitter again? Do I need to re-load my gains? Do I need to reconfigure my sensors? Do I need to reset my flight modes?

    And if I don't need to, why not? Are these parameters all stored in some sort of EEPROM that the code upgrades don't affect?



  • Not necesary. Defaults are instaled and works very well for many Quad types. I personally use it in three very diferent custom copters and in all works well the defaults: quad-650gr, quad 900gr, hexa 1.3Kg.

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