New PID settings in 1.0.62

I loaded up the new APM planner and noticed that the configuration is now very different. There are no good references to the GCS just changes that are relatively undocumented. Can ANYONE tell me where the D parm went in the Stabilize Roll and Pitch setup? And what is Rate Roll P and Rate Pitch P?

Further, upon connecting to the vehicle, there are NO parameters listed in the Rate roll, pitch, and yaw fields at all. How do I even know where to START???


The Stabilize fields have values but I wonder now about how to manage other modes???


This update is really quite a change that leaves me at square one all over again.


So in summary:


1: Where did the D parm go in the Stabilize configs? P is there as is I.

2: What is Rate Roll, Pitch , and Yaw?

3: Why does the Rate Roll, Pitch , and Yaw field have no D parm either?

4: Why are there no parameters by default in the Rate fields???

5: Where are the other modes for configuration? Simple? Auto? etc.?


Totally lost now with this release. Any help will be great help, thanks!


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  • And to add to number 4 above: 4a: What are starting parameters to use in these Rate fields???

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