New Quadracopter Parts For Sale

Update - Most items sold.  Closing this listing.

Hello.  I am in the process of moving and am trying to parse down my  inventory of supplies.  I have the following items below all new and never used.  Please let me know if interested in anything or all of it.  I have 2 prices listed next to each item.  The first is what I paid, the second is what I'm asking.  Shipping will depend on quantity of items ordered.

Thank for looking:

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  • Right here is my shopping list please.......

    Paypal .. please pm me the total cost.

    I will take all 8 D2830/11 motors at  $5.00 each (total 40 dollars)

    I will take the props both cw and ccw at 1.25 total (10.00)

    Heck throw in 1 power distrubution board please (2.10)

    can I be cheeky and ask if thats as low as you can go on the esc's? If I am buying the rest I know that shipping will be a bit...

    Anyway I am in England UK (zip/ area code HU16 5BT )  Packages like these usually set me back about $20-$30 dollars....  Please let me know asap via pm and I will give you my email address for a invoice or I can just send it to yours. Thanks Jon




    • I can send you a PM after you accept the friend request.

      • I just got it and had to make sure it was you..... I accepted your friend request bud.

        • Money paid for the above items plus all esc's..........  I am excited now. Thank you Brian for your help. Looking forward to them arriving.

This reply was deleted.


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