New Solo Update

I did the update on my Solo and Controller last night. When I took it out today for the first flight of the day, I noticed that neither the Solo or Tower apps could stay connected to Solo for more than a second or two. It is consistently whiching from "Waiting For Solo" to "Fly" or in the case of Tower it would disconnect almost as soon as I could press the "Connect" button.Anyone else have this problem?I have the extended wifi cards in both the solo and controller along with the long range wifi antenna. Although it was doing this even before I took off.Nothing else change except for updating and Solo flew fine yesterday before the update.Is there anyway to go backwards with the software?I appreciate any feedback on this issue.

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  • I have seen the same issue.  

    I purchased a new Solo in the last week, updated to the current software (2.1.1) and experienced the issue described above when using 3DR Solo app (both on iPhone and Android tablet) as well as the Tower App on an Android tablet.  The app would connect and disconnect every other second, making it unusuable.  

    I think it is related to the video portion of the apps.  I have an older GoPro (Hero 3) I was trying to use, but eventually just disconnected it. 

    I found a workaround with Tower (since using the gopro was not my main purpose): go into the settings and tell it to not display the video from the Solo.  That made Tower work. 

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