I recently bought this setup:

Ardupilot main board (ATMega 328) 
V2 Shield 
EM406 GPS 
FMA X Y and Z sensors 
FTDI programming cable 
All interconnecting cables

I was wondering what the difference between this setup was and the original Ardupilot Mega is?

Any one who has my setup, I have the manual and it seems straight forward but any tips for a new UAVer?

I am very skilled in RC and FPV and wanted to try my hand at UAVing.

Thanks for everything!

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  • Hi luca,

    Forgive typos, on the Ipad which is terrible for typing!

    I think you're coming at this from the wrong angle. You already have legacy hardware, you are now trying to take it out of a supported config before youve even confirmed it works. Why not connect the FMA, see if it works, and if it does, you know you need it. If you remove it and it stops working, you know for sure the code needs input from FMA or IMU. Dont jump from nothing to an unsupported config. Start with a text-book setup and then move awy to the setup you want.

    Good luck!
  • That's the point though.

    You are using (I believe) a totally unsupported configuration (no FMA or IMU). so how do you know the rudder would work without these? What if the code is waiting for an input from one of these? What happens if you don"t get it? Best to stick to expeted configurations.
  • Steve : wise choice, going for the APM 2 will make things easier.

    Luca : upload the 2.7.1 and also d/l the config tool global. and we start from there

  • NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 3D Robotics

    What you have us the "legacy ArduPilot", which came before APM and was discontinued a few years ago. ArduIMU (the category you posted this in) is yet a different board, which you don't have. So I changed the category to the right one. 

    The legacy ArduPilot is no longer officially supported, but it still works fine and you can find the original manual here

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