Hello there!

This is my first post in the forum I although it's asking for help, I hope to contribute in the future :)

I've assembled a complete initial drone, based around the Ardupilot Mega 2.5 board. It's configured as an X-quad with no power distrubition board, so all the ESCs are hand-wired.

The problem I'm having is that the Mission Planer software doesn't seem to read input from the RC transmitter I'm using: this RC transmitter is a Walkera 36 model with a 35.040 Hz crystal oscilator, with a paired receiver using a crystal with the same frequency.

This is a picture of the exact transmitter I'm trying to use:


I'd like to know if this RC transmitter is supposed to work with the APM or not.

If it's not compatible, I'd like to know what's the best option for an RC transmitter for this board.

Thanks for reading. Please support this humble drone-newbie :D

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  • I see that some of the Walkera receivers seem to have gyro or other stabilization built in. That would be redundant and would need to be turned off. I have no idea if you can do that-check your manual or ask Walkera dealer for help.  You would be better off with a "standard" RC receiver compatible with the Walkera transmitter.  Assuming you can turn off the receiver stabilization, and/or  you can get 5 standard none stabilized channels from your receiver.    here goes...

    First, you need to test the radio and receiver together with a standard servo.  Does the receiver and servo work with the transmitter.  If not, then the radio does not work and you need to fix that first.  Any RC transmitter / receiver should work as long as you have the 5+ required channels and the Transmitter and receiver are communicating. 

    Next be sure you connected the RC receiver to the APM correctly.  http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/connecting-your-rc-input-and-motors/ Signal wires from the receiver to the 'S' pins on the APM.  Check your radio manual to be sure which pin is the signal  some radios put that on the center pin. Also be sure your radio has power. Then use  MIssion Planner to do the hardware configuration to calibrate the radio.  Move the radio sticks - You should see the channel display bars moving in the Mission Planner (even before you start the calibration) if the receiver is connected correctly.

  • Hey Alex,

    Were you able to use it? Coz I am having similar trouble now.

    Please let me know.


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