Newbie requests help with JJRC H8C

Hi guys and gals

As a bonus I have been given an H8C DFD F183 as a gift but have a few questions/problems which I am hoping someone can answer for me.

1.   I seem to have one motor which is giving more lift than the others. When I lift off it never rises            straight up but wonders quite rapidly. If I check each motor in turn with minimum rpm three motors        give a  nudge as if getting airborne but the fourth almost turns it over. Can individual motors be            adjusted

2.    Have added the camera which records to sd card OK but how can I get the pictures on a tablet (            Android or Windows 10 ) Only suggestion I have had so far is to purchase a H8D which I believe         has FPV. Being a cheapskate I wondered if the circuit card from a H8D would fit in a H8C body

3.   Do decent English language manuals exist. e.g the one that came with machine does not give any       info on calibration or giro calibration (as in how to)

4.    Any decent software to get with item 2.

Quite a lot to ask but I hope someone can assist with some info if not all.

Thanks in advance guys


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