I've been testing my purple board through the USB and it works good enough to replace an ArduPilot Mega 1 on an EasyStar. Everything is connected and the power jumper is in so the ESC is supplying system power.
But, the APM2 will not start up on either ESC or UBEC power. Even wired in, it still boots on the USB power, as it has always done. The APM1 never had any problems with power on this plane and another APM1 always works on a T-28.
Has anyone seen this problem with ESC/UBEC power?
Same Issue for me too.
Only blue led will power on and stay solid.
To boot the APM2 I've to press the reset switch or power it by USB cable.
I've no xbee connected, only APM2 and 5V on output rail.
I believe this has been found and solved. When using APM2, it will not start if there is any traffic on the telemetry channel. I had Mission Planner open and waiting for the startup info while applying power to APM2. This method consistently prevented APM2 from booting. I changed the procedure to have Mission Planner disconnected and the APM2 now boots normally when power is applied.