Hi all,
On the forum I only came accross one topic that resembles my problem but I am pretty sure that the resolution in that tread will not help me at all.
I have upgraded to 2.9.1.b (hexa) through USB. this process completed without any complications.
When I try to connect via Mavlink (I have MP 1.2.50 installed) there is no way ot connects anymore. I tried updating USB drivers.
In the terminal I get message saying: "3No dataflah inserted3Entering ESC Calibration: please restart APM" so something seems to be communicating but am lost as to what is happening.
Can someone PLEASE help me with this?
Thank's a 1,000,000 !!!
So the problem is that the APM get's stuck in ESC calibration mode, which obviously freezes the access to the board through Mavlink. It appears to be limited to be limited to ArduCopter 2.9.1.b. If I install other software, it seems to be working fine.
Any thoughts anyone?
You still use the right com port and the max baud rate?
3DR Telemtry uses 57600 baud in case you are using that.