No dataFlash inserted (new problem)

Sorry if I'm out of place posting this in two forums, but I'm trying to find out if this is a Firmware or Mission Planner problem!

Have upgraded one of my quads with the version 2.5 pcb. As you know this has the on-board chip dataFlash, I had hoped that the erase, and associated problems would have been a thing of the past!

Well initially, Loaded it with v2.6 in order to test motors etc for surging. The dataFlash functioned fine.

Erased dataFlash. Complete fresh install of v2.71 FW. erase and reset eeprom. complete re-config. First off cli reports no dataFlash inserted!

Have done about 5 flights today, cli still says dataFlash not inserted. Now we know that is now not possible!

Is this a Firmware or a mission planner problem?


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  • check the security of the solder joints of the data flash chip...have you had a crash to cause the data flash chip legs to break free or loose contact with the circuit lines?? or perhaps the chip was not seated when it was assembled??

  • 3D Robotics

    Peter, there is a fix for this in ArduCopter 2.7.2 (now in the trunk, should be released to the public via the MP in the next week). Hope that put an end to this issue.

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