"No heartbeat packets recieved" during MP setup


I am new to the Pixhawk and I have plugged it into MP for the first time and I cannot get through the setup wizard.  My process is the following:

1. Connect Pixhawk to comport and downloaded the latest firmware

2. Select comport and set the baud rate to 115200.  Sometimes my comport says Pixhawk, but sometimes it does not.

3. Click "Connect", MP tells me its checking the Mavlink and looking for heartbeats.  However, this process always times out in 30 seconds.

I have seen other people complaining about this and there doesn't seem to be a concise solution.  The only one I found was telling people to "remove the GPS reciever".  However, I do not have one. 

My setup:

Windows 10, MP 1.3.44 build 1.1.6240.11550.  I don't have anything connected to the pixhawk besides the USB cable, which leads to my laptop.  Finally, I don't think the SD card is connected to the pixhawk correctly.  It appears that the mechanical connection which is supposed to hold it in place is broken, so I'm not sure if the pixhawk can read/write to it.  Could this be the source of my issue? 

Thank you for your help, kind person. 

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