No Mavlink, but console works.

I have a ArduPilot Mega 1 (red, with oilpan "shield") that after the latest firmware update (Arducopter 2.6) doesn't seem to communicate via Mavlink anymore.

Symptoms so far:

- Firmware upload works.

- Console mode in MP works fine. Passes all tests.

- Other modes than Console in MP does not work over USB.

- Nothing works over xbee.

- MinimOSD says waiting for mavlink data.

- It still fly's !

- EEPROM reset and factory reset using Console doesn't help.

- ArduPlane 2.4 has the same symptoms.

- Current version or older version of MP has the same behavior.

I have to admit, the last flight before the firmware upgrade was a heavy crash, so pretty much my question is if this makes sense for a hardware issue (firmware upload possible but no mavlink ??) or is has this to be software ?

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  • Moderator

    Did you switch to Mission Planner w/ MAVLink 1.0? Or are you still using 0.9? Look in the title bar of Mission Planner.

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