no sat fix with UBLOX and 2.6 code

hello, i need a little help for this problem....

i use ardu, shield V2, ublox gps, xy and z senosor.D13 is disconected.airframe is motorglider with v-tail !  (libelle A380)

i make my first fly today in stabilize-mode.the airspeed i set to 0 for testing.the stabilize works.also the fly-by-wire-A (only a little oscillation, but this i can tunuing later).


i get no sat fix !  my "remove bevore fly" jumper is open.i don´t use it with the 2,6 and z-sensor !?? blue led is flashing all the lock !

my first setup, with code 2,4 i get the sat-fix fast....

1. where must i search the problem ?

2. must "remove bevore fly" pins open or closed ?

3. what gain must i changed if the plane rocks with wings (roll) in stabillize-mode ?

rg olli

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  • ahh, i found the problem ! the connector between ublox and ublox-adapterboard was bad...
    i have fix i get gps-fix in 1-2 minutes.


  • what do you mean with stock-sonfig-file ? for gps unit ??
    i use my header file obove.the rest of the code ist orginal.

    i will double checked all connectors and cables today.and i will checked with u-center the gps-unit...
  • hello chris,

    yes i know

    - two cables soldered
    - throttle channel is connected.manually fly, stabillize fly, FLY-BY-WIRE works fine
    - i cut pin D13 between ardu and shield
    - ublox ist programmed by myself.with config-file from jordy.

    in my first installation with code 2.4 i get the sat fix 100%.with the same gps-unit and cable...

    must i close the "bind pins" or must leave open at starup ?

  • 3D Robotics
    Make sure:

    --You've soldered the two jumper wires on the bottom of the board for the throttle.
    --The Throttle channel is connected
    --You've got pin D13 on the AP board
    --You got the uBlox preprogammed for ArduPilot from the DIY Drones store (you had to select that option) or programmed it yourself with the instructions in the manual.

    All this is in the manual, but just double checking...


  • no imu. i use xy and z-sensor with shield v2 only

    i set #define GPS_PROTOCOL 2

    there not more option´s for gps, ithink.... ?

    here ist my header-file

  • I had the same problem. Double check your header.h file Are you using the IMU?
  • i set UBLOX in header file already.....
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