Could someone please take a look at my log file and see If they can spot what I'm missing. Ive had 6 attempted flights all resulting in failures.
My setup is 8X quad.
Since my first 3 flights that failed, where the quad would on each flight veer to the right and roll and nearly flip over, I have done full reset firmware update etc, re-calibrated all ECS individual yet I still cannot get any stability.
After this, the first flight I had set my 3 way switch with a stabilized simple setting. I took off and up to the first meter it is ok , but then the front right corner arm pulls up and back , so before it completely flips over I landed it... hard (breaking two props).
So second flight I decide to use the GCS to launch to 1 meter and go to two way points at this height and RTL and land. I hit auto and it takes off . yaw rotates it a little but it starts to head to the first way point but then starts to wander and then flips over into a patch of weeds. ( 3 more props broken ) yes GPS has good lock 12 sats and mag is working.
Ok, so thirds flight. I decide may be set Take Off to 3 meters In MP and set 2 other way points and then RTL and land. I set auto then hit the throttle lever and it goes up to about 2 meters and in a drunk fashion starts heading to the first way point , but then starts veering back round and heading back towards me then accelerates and flips over onto is side and cartwheels along the ground and comes to a halt upside down with motors screaming away and so 7 and half props were all trimmed off. . (I cant figure which switch to hit to kill it. even holding throttle to the left didn't disarm it).
On the log first flight is at 17.10% second flight is at 25.5% and last flight is at 98.6%.
I noet in the raw and tuning yaw is 300 to 400 and Acel z is -1000. Doesnt look right at all on this.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
ArduCopter V2.2] setup
Setup Mode
setup] show
FW Ver: 113
CH1: 1108 | 1933
CH2: 1108 | 1933
CH3: 1105 | 1933
CH4: 1106 | 1933
CH5: 967 | 2076
CH6: 967 | 2073
CH7: 967 | 2073
Quad frame
X mode
Batt Mon:
Type: 0 (0=XL, 1=LV, 2=XLL)
Flight modes
Pos 0: STABILIZE, Simple: ON
Pos 1: STABILIZE, Simple: OFF
Pos 2: STABILIZE, Simple: OFF
Pos 3: LOITER, Simple: ON
Pos 4: STABILIZE, Simple: OFF
Pos 5: RTL, Simple: ON
G_off: -0.27, 0.72, -0.06
A_off: -0.19, 0.43, -0.93
Mag Dec: -0.5900
Mag off: -2.6291, 0.6012, 0.1349
234:STAB_D : 0.200000
199:CAM_R_G : 1.000000
198:CAM_P_G : 1.000000
151:CH7_OPT : 7
147:TB_RATIO : 1.000000
146:FRAME : 1
197:TUNE : 0
196:ESC : 0
020:LOG_BITMASK : 382
206:SIMPLE : 41
205:FLTMODE6 : 6
204:FLTMODE5 : 0
203:FLTMODE4 : 5
202:FLTMODE3 : 0
201:FLTMODE2 : 0
200:FLTMODE1 : 0
194:THR_FS_VALUE : 975
191:THR_MAX : 1000
190:THR_MIN : 0
161:XTRK_GAIN_SC : 100.000000
226:WP_SPEED_MAX : 600
225:WP_LOITER_RAD : 10
224:WP_RADIUS : 3
222:WP_INDEX : 0
221:WP_TOTAL : 3
220:WP_MODE : 0
150:LOW_VOLT : 9.600000
149:IN_VOLT : 5.000000
143:MAG_ENABLE : 1
142:BATT_CAPACITY : 1760
152:SONAR_TYPE : 0
160:ALT_HOLD_RTL : 0
114:SERIAL3_BAUD : 57
113:SYSID_MYGCS : 255
001:SYSID_SW_TYPE : 10
000:SYSID_SW_MREV : 113
65535:SR3_RAW_SENS : 0
65535:SR0_RAW_SENS : 0
65535:OF_PIT_P : 6.400000
65535:OF_RLL_P : 6.400000
65535:ACRO_PIT_P : 0.155000
65535:ACRO_RLL_P : 0.155000
65535:THR_RATE_P : 0.500000
65535:THR_ALT_P : 0.400000
65535:NAV_LON_P : 2.200000
65535:NAV_LAT_P : 2.200000
65535:HLD_LON_P : 2.000000
65535:HLD_LAT_P : 2.000000
65535:STB_YAW_P : 7.500000
65535:STB_PIT_P : 4.600000
65535:STB_RLL_P : 4.600000
65535:RATE_YAW_P : 0.130000
65535:RATE_PIT_P : 0.155000
65535:RATE_RLL_P : 0.155000
65535:CAM_R_MIN : 1100
65535:CAM_P_MIN : 1100
65535:RC8_MIN : 1499
65535:RC7_MIN : 967
65535:RC6_MIN : 967
65535:RC5_MIN : 967
65535:RC4_MIN : 1106
65535:RC3_MIN : 1105
65535:RC2_MIN : 1108
65535:RC1_MIN : 1108
65535:SR3_EXT_STAT : 0
65535:SR0_EXT_STAT : 0
65535:OF_PIT_I : 0.068000
65535:OF_RLL_I : 0.068000
65535:ACRO_PIT_I : 0.000000
65535:ACRO_RLL_I : 0.000000
65535:THR_RATE_I : 0.000000
65535:THR_ALT_I : 0.010000
65535:NAV_LON_I : 0.150000
65535:NAV_LAT_I : 0.150000
65535:HLD_LON_I : 0.050000
65535:HLD_LAT_I : 0.050000
65535:STB_YAW_I : 0.010000
65535:STB_PIT_I : 0.020000
65535:STB_RLL_I : 0.020000
65535:RATE_YAW_I : 0.000000
65535:RATE_PIT_I : 0.000000
65535:RATE_RLL_I : 0.000000
65535:CAM_R_TRIM : 1500
65535:CAM_P_TRIM : 1500
65535:RC8_TRIM : 1500
65535:RC7_TRIM : 1500
65535:RC6_TRIM : 1500
65535:RC5_TRIM : 1500
65535:RC4_TRIM : 1500
65535:RC3_TRIM : 1500
65535:RC2_TRIM : 1500
65535:RC1_TRIM : 1500
65535:SR3_RC_CHAN : 0
65535:SR0_RC_CHAN : 0
65535:COMPASS_DEC : -0.010297
65535:CAM_R_MAX : 1900
65535:CAM_P_MAX : 1900
65535:RC8_MAX : 1500
65535:RC7_MAX : 2073
65535:RC6_MAX : 2073
65535:RC5_MAX : 2076
65535:RC4_MAX : 1933
65535:RC3_MAX : 1933
65535:RC2_MAX : 1933
65535:RC1_MAX : 1933
65535:SR3_RAW_CTRL : 0
65535:SR0_RAW_CTRL : 0
65535:OF_PIT_IMAX : 400
65535:OF_RLL_IMAX : 400
65535:ACRO_PIT_IMAX : 1500
65535:ACRO_RLL_IMAX : 1500
65535:THR_RATE_IMAX : 300
65535:THR_ALT_IMAX : 300
65535:NAV_LON_IMAX : 3000
65535:NAV_LAT_IMAX : 3000
65535:HLD_LON_IMAX : 3000
65535:HLD_LAT_IMAX : 3000
65535:STB_YAW_IMAX : 800
65535:STB_PIT_IMAX : 4000
65535:STB_RLL_IMAX : 4000
65535:RATE_YAW_IMAX : 5000
65535:RATE_PIT_IMAX : 1500
65535:RATE_RLL_IMAX : 1500
65535:CAM_R_REV : 1
65535:CAM_P_REV : 1
65535:RC8_REV : 1
65535:RC7_REV : 1
65535:RC6_REV : 1
65535:RC5_REV : 1
65535:RC4_REV : 1
65535:RC3_REV : 1
65535:RC2_REV : 1
65535:RC1_REV : 1
65535:SR3_POSITION : 0
65535:SR0_POSITION : 0
65535:CAM_R_DZ : 0
65535:CAM_P_DZ : 0
65535:RC8_DZ : 0
65535:RC7_DZ : 0
65535:RC6_DZ : 0
65535:RC5_DZ : 0
65535:RC4_DZ : 100
65535:RC3_DZ : 30
65535:RC2_DZ : 30
65535:RC1_DZ : 30
65535:SR3_EXTRA1 : 0
65535:SR0_EXTRA1 : 0
65535:SR3_EXTRA2 : 0
65535:SR0_EXTRA2 : 0
65535:SR3_EXTRA3 : 0
65535:SR0_EXTRA3 : 0
I have made some head way on this. This time managed to get 2 x 2 minute flights done and only 7 broken props this time. The wind was about 15kmh at ground so likely 20 - 25kmh up higher. It certainly wasn't ideal for test flights. But the bone head stubbornness I am, I persevered. Flight was a little erratic but likely due to the wind and the landings nearly worked out but then a bounce and then flipped over.
I launched in Stabilize Simple Mode and took off OK and work its way up to about 30 meters. Then switched to loiter which seemed to be ok considering the wind. I played around moving it forward and left and right. It was a little drunke on this though.
Then I switched to RLT where it tried to make its way back but it was struggling pushing into a head wind, so I just lowered the throttel to try land where it was.
What I am uncertain about is why cant I disarm the motors when its on the ground?( upside down) In both flights I flicked RTL but it was struggling to come back, so I gradualy lowered the throttel until it came down about 40 meters away.
Would the fact that it was still trying to RTL is why it wont disarm once its on the ground?
Even with the throttle at the bottom setting, the motors are still running. why don't they turn off when it is this low?
Any help please?
Has this copter flown well before? I would make sure it's flying great in Stabilize before any AP stuff.
Also, Octa is just now supported and may have some beta issues. I have no idea since I don't have an Octa myself.
You need to start with the hand test and make sure it stabilizes itself well.
Also, please download the flash logs from the CLI and post them. Thanks,
I see the PID on another mutlicopter is different by 1 unit. Would 1 unit be regarded as a lot? For example the other copter has Stabilize Roll and Pitch at P 3.700 where as mine is 4.600. Is one unit significant? Also loiter P on mine is P 2.00 and the other is P 0.250. This seems a lot.
Also I'm not sure I have declination right. I set it at -0.58999. The web page has 0 deg -6 min for my location..
sorry I can never seem to upload files to this web sit. any idea how to fix this?.