When I switch to Stabilize or FBW_A, my throttle and throttle control quits.  My plane become just a glider.  When I switch to FBW_B, the throttle kicks in once the nose of the plane drops below the horizon to return it to level.  


This is a new install and these are my finding from my initial test.  Does anyone know where I would start to look for the problem?


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  • mine too, you find a siltuion let me know pleez. i find a soltion will do same.


  • I reloaded the system code and the problem went away.  I took the plane out for a test flight , switched it into GPS-Home mode.  It went practically straight up for a while for what seemed to be a couple hundred feet, then started circling ( out of radio range) and slowly drifted away in to the wile blue yonder, never to be seen again.  I'm now out of the autopilot business. :>(


  • Moderator

    did you ever learn what's going on?  my setup has suddenly started to act funny as well.  Mine when I switch from auto back to FBW-A I do not get the throttle back.  I need to switch off then back on and sometimes that does not work.

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