Normal Magneto Heading Values

Hi guys,


I've taken an LSM303DLH magneto board from sparkfun and adapted the ArduPiratesNG code to work with it.  I think everything is working great but I'm seeing some odd values for heading in the Configurator and I want to confirm this is correct.


At true north I see 0 deg as expected but then as I turn west the heading changes from 0,-1,-2,...-179.  Once I hit south it flips over to 179 and proceeds 178,177,...,1,0 at north again.


Is this normal or should I be seeing a true compass heading of 0-359 deg?  




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  • what is - 170°? right, it's the same as 190°

    so your values are correct (add 360° when it gets negative to get your "real" values)

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