"I noticed the same thing on 2.0.33 recently. Mine seems to oscillate +/- 5-10 feet from a height of about 25 feet. I only use baro. Are there PID settings that I should be tweaking?"
"You may also want to check your local Ace Hardware (or other hardware store, not a big box). Mine has a huge selection of nylon spacers, bolts, and nuts."
Hi guys, I just got done changing my magnetometer orientation in the code and compiling it via Arduino. Is there a way to do this via the mission planner so I don't have to keep doing it on each new code release? Thanks,-Chris
Hi guys, I'm running the latest release ArduPirates NG code and have a question about the compass. I've noticed that while in position hold mode the heading seems to drift. The copter does keep within a pretty tight (3-5 meter) circle however it…
"I've tried the compile on both xp and 7 as well and I've noticed that Win7 is margially slower but not much much slower. Are you running 64-bit win7 vs 32-bit xp?
Hey guys,I've got my ArduCopter dialed in pretty well in acro mode but I'm seeing one oddity. When I put in a fresh battery and begin flying it seems like the copter is much more sensitive to commands and the tendency to oscillate in level flight is…
"Which DIP switch are you changing? I believe the latest "released" version of the code still has orientation (+ vs X) on DIP1 and acro vs stable on DIP3. The documentation is very misleading so be careful."
Hi guys, I've taken an LSM303DLH magneto board from sparkfun and adapted the ArduPiratesNG code to work with it. I think everything is working great but I'm seeing some odd values for heading in the Configurator and I want to confirm this is…
I'm in the process of building my own ArduCopter Quad and I'm having some issues. I'm using the latest APM and Oilpan along with 4 HK-SS30A (Hobbyking SuperSimple 30A) ESC's. I'm also running the Arducopter RC2 code. When I plug in the Li-Po…