Not connecting: 3DR telemetry radios

We just completed our Y6. Unfortunately, the APM Planner 2.0 will not recognize the telemetry, the tilt of the Y6, the our current map location. So, there is no active link via the radio to make all these functions happen. (We did follow the setup instructions in Ardupilot.)Help please.Jack Keegan

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  • I can't believe the bullshit with these Flight Controllers sometimes.  I just had a perfectly working set of 3DR Radios I had been using a year and a half on four different APM an Pixhawk FC's then I buy the new Pixhawk 2.1 and it won't communicate.  Anyone have any clues to this riddle?  These things are wearing me down to my last nerve.  How could there be a difference,  I have tried switching the Rx Tx wires, stuffing up my nice factory harness, Nothing!


  • Kevin, did you ever get this working? I'm using APM Planner on mac as well. Very similar situation. I can load/save the local/remote radio settings (indicating that the radios are working), but cannot connect in the flight data screen. I'm running v2.0.18 of APM planner. I've got two different sets of radios as well.

  • Thomas, thanks for all the help you have given by being a part of this community. I wonder if I could impose on your good nature a little further. Having followed all your advice I still cannot get my APM Planner to connect to the aircraft. Both LEDs are solid green (3DR radios V2), however, all the published literature shows I need a 6 pin cable - mines only has 5 with a "missing man" pin. As far as you can tell do I have the right cable?

  • Admin


    Have you programmed your radios with their operating parameters already?

    I assume that you have the telemetry radio baud rate set to 57600?

    What are the led indications on the radios?

    Have you tried using MP to see if the telemetry radios will work with it?

    I just used APM Planner 2.0 rc3 with my 3DR 915MHz telemetry radios and it connected on the first try.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

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