Not enough thrust

my Hexa with APM2 has the problem that it does not generate enough thrust. Even at full throttle only slowly climbing is possible. When the battery runs out, even just hovering.

Roxxy 2827-34, currently with 11x5 Graupner eProp
Hobbywing Skywalker 20A ESCs
3S 5000mAh 30C
Off weight of about 1600g

I'm grateful for any idea, where the fault may lie.

Thanks and regards

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  • 4s LiPo
  • Thank you two very much, I will try all you recommended.

  • Developer

    And grab a watt meter to find the best prop.


  • Developer


    1 - remove stupidly large battery, and replace with 2000 or 2500mAh.

    2 - google says the propeller size you have chosen are wrong for that motor.  try a downsize to 10x5 or maybe some "slowfly" 11x3.8's ( I use these props myself) which might equate to more thrust.  no guarantees here.  

    3 -  those motors have a specified max thrust of 850 g per motor at 12A, so theoretically should be OK, I guess.   WHat actual measured thrust are you getting from this motor/prop combo?

    4 -  weight your unladen frame. ( ie no motors, electronics or batteries )   if it weighs more than 150g, you should think about making it lighter.   :-)

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