Not Seeing all Setup Commands in Terminal

After exhausting all options for getting the mavlink to work, I tried to setup my quadcopter apm 2.6 through the command line.  I went the setup list as per wiki

the "motors" command and "declination" do not show up.  I noticed there was an accel command but I always get the "failed to boot" error. I've already attempted to contact 3drobotics about not receiving feedback from main board sensors. Is this thing just dead? 

Thanks in advance for any feedback.  


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  • Im guessing you just grabbed the latest release. There was a post about that release, that also mentioned they deleted several commands including the ones you mentioned from the cli. You have to do the action via MP. Goto that for more info. Regarding your other problems they sound related to the fact you have an incomplete basic setup.

    Sorry i havent gotten round to trying it myself.

    • Yea,  the app auto updated this morning. Can you provide a link to the release notes? I can't find them. 

      So are you implying I will not be able to conduct basic setup via cli? I will have to establish mavlink? 

      Appreciate your response! 

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