Nothing seems to work!

Now that I have an immense headache after spending most of the afternoon trying to figure out how to get this working, I'm turning to you, my trusted genius's.

Using APM 1.1.93 mav 1.0, I can't seem to figure out how to level the plane.  I get an error message that says I need AP 2.something.  So, I downloaded the newest AP but now I don't know what to do with it!  There really aren't any instructions.

But, that's just one of the issues.  Another, is how to use the RC controller when the autopilot is hooked up.  I was under the impression that you could take over the stick whenever you needed or wanted to do so and when you let go again, the autopilot would again take over.  So far, I have no controller control!

Then there's the issue of the artificial horizon just sitting there.  Nothing going on 'round here at all!  And, when I move the APM board none of the control surfaces move.  As far as I can tell, this is just an expensive board with neat little blinking LEDs that sits there and makes the plane look high tech.  (yes, I'm really quite frustrated)

Let's see, what else.  Oh yeah.  I have retractable gear but can't figure out how to tell the autopilot that before you land you'd better put your feet down!   And how to tell it, hey there's a switch for the flaps and air brakes.  It would be nifty if the autopilot would lower the flaps before take off and landing.  We live at 5300 feet and need all the help we can get!

Any help with any of this would earn you my unending gratitude.  After all I've put into this project, that's all I can afford!  :)

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  • Moderator

    Bill - I'm assuming you are "connected" to the board, and that you are running ArduPlane 2.40. 

    Try this to see if this solves the issue of your HUD not moving. In the lower left panel on the main Mission Planner screen, you should find a "Status" tab. Select on that tab and look for the gyro readings. Move the board around. Do the gyro readings change? Is your HUD still not moving when you move the board? If so, go to "Configuration"->Planner, and locate the setting "Use GDI+". Put a check in that box, then "disconnect" and restart Mission Planner. Then connect again and try moving the board around. If this solves this issue, then you can blame your OS. It does not support the OpenGL API that the HUD was designed for. But Michael Oborne has you covered with this older method of using GDI+. Report back when you've tried this and let me know how it goes. And then we can work on your other issues. 

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