Octocopter stability and recovery

I'm wanting to convert my kit to 8 motors in the near future. I noticed the central pieces seem to already be ready for 8 arms but are there any other things to consider? I know there are some changes in the code but any other hardware changes?Will it stay up if one motor cuts out?Is it more stable in wind than a quad?

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  • You will also need to convert your esc's to I2C, or use I2C esc's, as the APM cannot drive 8 motors using pwm control.  

    Has anyone converted the latest NG software for use on an Octo ?



  • I'm guessing the way the arducopter code works is to increase thrust on whatever side is lower than level so if one motor was lost then the one(s) near it would automatically speed up. Just wanted to confirm that the code would work that way because it's the primary reason for wanting to go octo :)
  • I saw a video on utube of a hexacopter that crashed and lost an arm, it immediately was flown with 5 rotors and was still stable and flying well.

    It did rip pretty well with all 6 motors, better than a quad it looked like to me.

    I tried to find it again for a link, but without luck..sorry.

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