On the fly waypoints

Hi DIY Drones

I’m currently working on a project trying to create an autonomous flying wing (https://hobbyking.com/en_us/hobbykingtm-skyray-flying-wing-fpv-model-1213mm-epo-pnp.html).

I currently have an Erle-Brain 3 flashed with the APM autopilot. I have been able to communicate with APM Planner and calibrate the Erle Brain, get servos working etc. but unfortunately APM Planner is not suitable for my requirements.

I need to be able to create waypoints whilst the flying wing is in flight based on its current lat, long and alt. To do this I need to be able to take the current lat, long, alt etc and use a python script (the only language I am familiar with, unfeasible to learn another one in the time frame remaining of 4 weeks) and create a new waypoint and send that to the autopilot. I have decided that MAVProxy is the best way to do this but I am unsure on how to go about downloading and uploading the new waypoint. What is the best way to do this through the MAVLink protocol?

No GCS currently I believe can do this (needs to run on Linux) and ROS is too complex for myself to learn and complete in the time period. 

Please note I am a novice at this, having to complete this project in 8 weeks from no UAV/RC/Drone experience or knowledge, so any simplified terminology will be very appreciated. 


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  • check out "guided" mode, that is what you are looking for, made for this purpose.

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