[Opinions Needes] Selling Drone Kits

Hi, so basically I am going to start a little drone business. I am going to sell a full, unassembled drone kit. In the kit, in will consist of all of the necessary components to fly. Which includes the frame, motor, flight controller, motors, esc, etc. I will also have a website dedicated on helping you build the drone along with video tutorials on building the drone. I will also have a video on helping you navigate yourself through mission planner to setup your drone. Before purchasing, I will have a Google form to let you choose, customize, or upgrade your drone. For example, you can choose to upgrade from APM to pixhawk or choosing to have a fpv  system on your drone. Buying the very basics of this kit, it will cost around 300$ ~ 400$ range.How do you guys think about this business. Will some of you be willing to buy a kit? If not, what else would you buy? I am viable to any opinions.

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  • Thanks for your response! Yes, I will be available to answer any questions and problems you may have. I've had experience talking people through their first steps of a multicopter through skype, teamviewer, or physically (locally). As for genuine parts, I am buying them directly from amazon or the seller itself. Either I can directly have the parts shipped to you, or I can give you links for the parts to buy.

    Contact me here via email: pvis1324@gmail.com

  • Hi Eric,

    This would suit me very well, Ive always had an interest in RC helis etc however my Son has taken a real shine to drone flying...and i want to encorage him while ever he is keen.

    I recently purchased a kit as you describe from eBay and Im still unable to get it to arm....ive spent days on it!

    If your going to supply genuine parts with technical back up, I think you will be on a winner.

    I enjoy building from scratch.

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