OSD Selection

Hello everyone,

I have been trying to decide which OSD to use with Pixhawk.  As there are a lot of options on the market it would make sense to use the same manufacturer for the APM/Flight Controller and other components, like an OSD.

However, after spending some time in the forum there seems to be a lot of quirky issues with the MinimOSD and setting it up seems far from simple.

Is MinimOSD the best option to use with Pixhawk?

Are there any better, easier to use, less quirky options?

I'm surprised at the lack of direct support from 3DR on the issues seen in the forums, talk about crowd sourcing your tech support!

Thanks for all the great information.


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  • Developer

    Hi Adam,

    We are currrently prototyping an alternative OSD to MinimOSD. There is a thread about it here



  • MimimOSD is your only option. There are a lot of sources for it as well as different board designs, but they are all essentially the same. There is no other OSD that I know of that can read and display the Pixhawk's data stream (MAVlink)
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