Overlay gps data onto still image from uav

Is there a way to overlay the gps data onto a still image from the uav .

Instead of using live video and a osd I want to use a still camera such as a Canon powershot s90 and overlay the gps information onto the image before transmiting to ground.

uav will have an onboard pc to take images from camera and transmit to ground via radio modem.

If not possible I would be better off getting a camera with built in gps to do it for me.

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  • I think this would be better to do on the ground after a flight. Time stamps on images can be used to lookup location information from a flight log and then added to the images with something like Photoshop or whatever scriptable image editor you want to use. There are some cameras that record location information but not sure if they would put it on the image itself (more likely in the metadata of the image).

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