Param File

Can anyone add their Parameter file from a succesfully flying Trex500/550 sized heli with Pixhawk...

I'm going around and around in circles tuning these settings, but getting no-where...  would be great to see someone else's settings...  

Thanks in advance....  


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  • Bob,

    Here is mine from a Trex 550 that has been stretched to a 600. Flying a Pixhawk and running 3.2.


    David R. Boulanger

    • Sorry.  Here it is.

      3.2 march 20.param

      • you're a legend!  


        will be good to compare


        • Bob,  Just be careful.  Mine weighs 11ish pounds and uses Spinblades at 1550 rpm.  I'm sure they won't be perfect for your copter and will need adjusting.


          David R. Boulanger

          • yep understood..

            no worries,, cheers

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