Parts Check for new QR System

Hi all, 

I'm about to make my venture into the QR world, adapting an older QR I have here into a new model with a better frame and using the APM as the brain for my further research. 

Since I'm on a relatively tight budget I just want to ensure compatibility with the range of parts I'm using and make sure I haven't missed anything.

Here's the plan -

IMU - "ArduPilot Mega" (

Frame - "ArduCopter 3DR-B Frame Kit" (

ESC - Have - 4x "Mystery 30A BEC Brushless Speed Controller"

Motor - Have - 4x "Turnigy 2217 16 turn 1050kv 23A Outrunner"

Propeller - Have - 4x "10x6 APC Tractor Propeller"

RC Gear - Have - "HobbyKing HK-T6A-M2" w/reciever

Magnetometer - "HMC5883L Triple Axis Magnetometer" (

Lipo / Charger - Have

If you could give me feedback on the three item's I'm purchasing, and suggest if I need anything else it would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks guys!

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  • Distributor

    Everything seems good, just make sure that you have counter-rotating propellers, as you need have 2 motors spinning clockwise, and 2 spinning counter clockwise. 

    Otherwise thats all you need for a basic arducopter setup.

  • Anyone? :(

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