
  • This thread deserves an answer. :) I have been playing around with APM for years and just got my Phoenix 2000 in the air.

    Answer to your question is no. It is not a good UAV. Fuselage is way too tight. Go with a Skywalker instead. Or Bixler if you want to keep it light.

    However the Phoenix 2000 is an excellent thermal glider. I got mine to fly for hours with battery just to make it lift the initial 200 meters. Amazing

  • Hi,

    I'm not new at RC but totally new to UAV:s



  • Hi,

    I don't have a Phoenix but from the picture it doesn't look as though it has enough space in the fuselage to easily accommodate the extra electronic/equipment.

    I don't know if you are new to rc flying or just to uav but either way an Easystar or one of the clones is a great starter (review here) - on the front page the latest clone (Bixler) gets a good review.



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