Photo & GPS synchronization

 I´m looking for a simple way to synchronize the GPS logger and the camera. I´ve read about synchronize the camera clock with the GPS clock but I think, that this is very tiresome, because toy have to syncro all every fly.
  Is there any possibility about that??? Any circuit or something like that?

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  • The simpliest way to do would probably to take a picture of a live output of your GPS data clock before take off. Then you find in exif data all the necessary informations.
    Or you can trigger your camera by command and save GPS clock in eeprom in the same time, again with exif...
  • Moderator
    Or just use a camera with its own GPS
  • Trigger the camera with waypoint events. If you know the first picture is the first waypoint its not hard to figure. If your camera is downward shooting the center of the picture will be your waypoint too so you could map it in GE to.
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